Film and Sexism



BLOG 2 Image(n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2017. What’s Wrong with Sexism in Hollywood.

Films that raise red flags when it comes to sexism can actually be of benefit when it comes to opening up dialogue.

One could argue and ask the question have we swung the pendulum too far when it comes to sexism?

According to Rhiannon (2016), in the entertainment industry right now is that there’s a sneaky little layer of sexism under a lot of it that can slip by us if we aren’t paying attention.

Many of us would not even realise the subtle hint of sexism embedded in some films. I believe that sexism will continue to remain apart of our film industry wether we like it or not, because after all sex sells.

There is another side to sexism in the film industry, as Cranston (2017), points out that actress Dame Julie Walters has also blasted the gender pay gap in the movie industry as “wrong”.

Perhaps the best way to encounter or embrace sexism in films is to open up discussions and take away from the film a lesson in social norms of what behaviours we allow ourselves to accept as women in our society. How do we want our daughters and granddaughters to be treated? More importantly how do we encourage our sons to grow up and respect women and place the importance of what role women have in our society?

Because after all respect and equality is a two way street.

Or can women benefit and use sexism to their advantage by not surrendering to the extreme feminists that are hell bent on making it difficult for both woman and men to understand, muddying the waters and swinging that dam pendulum too far.

You be the judge?


Bryan Cranston: Women have tougher time in Hollywood. (2017, July 28). UWIRE Text, p. 1. Retrieved from

Rhiannon, A. (n.d.). 10 Surprisingly Sexist Movies That You Still Love To Watch. Retrieved September 14, 2017, from

In One Quote, Salma Hayek Perfectly Nails What’s Wrong with Sexism in Hollywood. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2017, from